
I am in the thick of it. Again. It is not so thick as last time, let me assure you. Although last time I didn’t know what I know now—that the thick of it will be behind me someday, that I will find a rhythm again, that my mind will have space for words again. Right now it is hard to write because either I have something to write but only one available thumb, or I have my hands free to write but too many chores to catch up on.

So in order to get a newsletter out, here is a list of some things I both love and hate about postpartum:

Breastfeeding—my sweet baby’s face and the feeling that I couldn’t love her any more or I’d explode. But also, if I get trapped in this chair again without a reprieve first I might explode.

Cooking simpler dinners—I’d probably love this more if it wasn’t the result of me feeling absolutely flabbergasted by how quickly the day goes by before scrambling to throw together a meal.

My husband helping out—I love that he takes care of things for me but I also would rather have taken care of them myself so we’d just have time to watch a stupid show on Hulu.

My prayer life—Going to God daily for my needs as a wife and mother is helping me grow so much in my faith… but also, I’m going to be honest, sometimes I am frustrated that He can’t just make it all easier on me so I don’t HAVE to ask Him for stuff. I know, I know, I’m working on it.

Going outside—the miracle of outdoors is so good for my two little babies, and some of my flowers are blooming! Unfortunately, I’ve had to brace myself for my two-year-old’s tantrums when we come inside… nearly every day. That kid is so much like his dad.

That’s my not-so-exhaustive list. I’m hoping to have a regular post out next week, so stay tuned! In the meantime, ask your postpartum friends how they’re doing and go bring them some tea.


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