A Snowfall Poem
We have had a snowy January here in Nebraska. Yesterday, I even got stuck for a handful of minutes while trying to visit my sister. The slush is piled up everywhere, and my car is pretty low to the ground. Luckily I almost made it to her driveway before the terrible, icy mush tried to lure my tires with its siren call. My sister dug me out. Then she pushed my car and I made it onto the street. All the while, my son was yelling “aunty?” from the back seat. Adorable.
When I’m not stuck in the snow, I am writing poems about it. I’ve written an extraordinary number of poems about snow. Something about it fascinates me. It is the most beautiful of all precipitation, so many ways it can capture my heart. For my last post of January, I thought I’d share one of my favorite poems I’ve written about snow.
What do you think of the microscopic parachuters? Do you relate to finding wonder in the snowfall?
When I’m not stuck in the snow, I am writing poems about it. I’ve written an extraordinary number of poems about snow. Something about it fascinates me. It is the most beautiful of all precipitation, so many ways it can capture my heart. For my last post of January, I thought I’d share one of my favorite poems I’ve written about snow.
SnowfallFog hangs low amongthe trees while snow aroundfilters down among the green.I imagine parachutes:microscopic men and womenin white leotards slowlydescend around the needlesof the trees, nesting softlyin the fallen brown ones.And then for melting, my mindis lost in making senseof parachuting visitors settledhappily before taking leaveof their stations, and behind themonly dewy leaves and sodden earthis left.
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